The aim of this project was to create a one day conference for graphic designers. For this I decided to create a conference for women in graphic design to go and grow their skills and mindset by supporting, inspiring and leading one another to success. For this we had to create a transmedia narrative using three touchpoints, engage, inform and experience.
The first aspect of this transmedia narrative is to engage, for this I created a poster to engage my audience.

Side by Side, Part One, Engage (2023)
The second aspect of this transmedia narrative is to inform, for this I created a booklet to inform my audience about the conference. This is something that
conference goers would be given at the location before the conference starts, giving them access to the days itinerary as well as to learn a bit about the speakers
that will be presenting.
conference goers would be given at the location before the conference starts, giving them access to the days itinerary as well as to learn a bit about the speakers
that will be presenting.

Side by Side, Part Two, Inform (2023)
The third aspect of this transmedia narrative is to create an experience. The idea of this experience is to scan a QR code, which would take you to a page where you would then write a message, for example this may be some helpful tip or trick you want to share with others, or even some supportive or reassuring message you want to pass on to your fellow female designers. The messages would then be displayed on the screen, fading in and out, by the entry way, so anyone who passes by is able to read them in hopes of getting ideas or inspiration. I then also included some graphics on the walls and entry way to further develop the environment of the conference.

Side by Side, Part Three, Experience (2023)